Monday, May 18, 2009

I've been in Australia for close to five months...

So I guess I should finally update this blog, since I opened it SPECIFICALLY to talk about Australia...and my last post was what, January? Oops. I arrived in February and it's now almost the end of May. Time flies eh?

Anyway, I'm updating as a last-ditch attempt to avoid working on my last two papers and journalism portfolio. There are just too many distractions...but I'll get on it soon, I swear.

Okay so--me and Katie got to Sippy Downs, Queensland Australia in early February. See the USC Building picture on the left...almost like the "Old Main" of SU...except this campus was built in 1996, not 1871. The Campus is pretty small, but the ABSOLUTE BEST PART are the kangaroos that you can find pretty much everywhere. USC was built on a wild life reserve, so we've already seen our fair share of 'roos, not to mention a Huntsman and brown snake...

Anyway...I live here: In Varsity Apartments. Varsity is kind of like a prison, in that we have to be inside by ten o'clock on a school night, we must clean for our cleaning lady, and we are charged a ridiculous amount to live there. Other than that, it's a great place.

Since I am so late in updating and I have done so much, I'm going to have to list all the awesomely bad ass things that I have done and include pictures. Enjoy!
1. Cliff Jumping at Kondalilla Falls. It started out as a school trip to see some of the hinterland on the Sunny Coast, but then a bunch of us found this little lake thing and decided to jump. It was a total blast--something that I never thought that I'd have the guts to do!
Weee! Actually, you can just imagine how loud I was screaming and how fast my arms were flailing...haha.

2. Surfing. Pat, Katie and I took surf lessons one of the first weeks here and it didn't take very long after for me and Pat to buy boards. We had a good run for a while, until I had a little episode and Alex...I've had a hard time surfing since, in fact, the board is now for sale because I'm poor and I have no way to bring it home...

3. Bungy Jumping and Skydiving in New Zealand. Unfortunately the skydiving pics are locked away on my computer back at Varsity...
I never in a million years would have EVER done this--but Pat and Katie did it, and they didn't die so, I figured that I wouldn't either. It was the scariest, most amazing feeling in the world--if you ever have the chance, you should totally give it a try. This was in Queenstown...

4. Awesome Pictures of Places in New Zealand....
Morekei Boulders...

5. Franz Josef, New Zealand...
And, of course, if you talk to anyone who has studied isn't always about the places that you go, or the things that you see and's also about the people who you meet!

And so, meet the three new LOVES of my life that I've come across on this trip...

Me and Katie, on a random Sunday in Noosa...

Bottom Pic: Me and Chelsey on the Beach at night...

And last, but of course not least: Me and Pat on St. Patty's....

Woo Woo! Alright I guess that's enough procrastinating...hopefully the rain has stopped enough for me to actually walk home without drowning :0)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Operation Silly-String

I'm really trying not to sound whiny here...but today sucked.

First off, there was a HUGE accident on the way to work this morning. I missed it, luckily, but unfortunately there were two fatalities. Two servicemen on their way back to their base in North Carolina...who fell asleep at the wheel (apparently) and lost control of the car...which flipped over a median...hitting four tractor trailers, a car, and a bus of people who were on their way to NYC. Yikes.

Accidents like that make my trivial problems just that--trivial. However, after showing up to work 45 minutes late (and making thirty dollars all day), watching the Inauguration via Ruby Tuesday (instead of via Washington DC with Van and Scott) and coming home feeling dejected (and not to mention a little hungry, sapped of energy and nervous about the next two weeks)...I think it's safe to say that yes, this day can be chalked up as one big freakin' loss.

I'm really happy though, that Kristen and Katelyn came over to surprise me. It was cheering up that I definitely needed. I guess it is true after you move away from home and start over again...when things go wrong, all you really DO have is your friends. And not just any friends, it's your true, good friends who will do the dishes in your sink as you worry into your chicken and noodle soup. Those are the ones that are worth sticking with.

Hmm, another thing I wanted to mention in here: A few days ago I was on campus making a usual starbucks stop and my cup said something very intriguing. (Not know, it had one of those bangin' quotes on the side...anyway, here it is)

"The world bursts at the seams of people telling you that you aren't good enough. On occasion, some might be right. However, DO NOT do their work for them. Seek any job, ask anyone out, pursue any goal. Do not take it personally if they say no...they just might not be smart enough to say yes."

*drums fingers on the desk*

Just some words of wisdom...I guess tomorrow is another day, after all. And because today was doubly crappy, you get two quotes.

"If you're mother weren't so fine, you'd be dead to me!"

....just keep swimming...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sweet Caroline (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)

Man! Is this week crawling by. I can't believe it's only Tuesday. I've been in a weird mood the last few days...things just haven't been going my way. Anywhoo--I leave for Australia in like, three weeks! That's absolutely crazy to me, I feel so unprepared. Yet, not. I'm kind of all over place. I better work on that...

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be on campus and I am SUPER excited because...well, because I miss school. (Nerd alert!). I find myself making excuses JUST so I can go to campus and be social...I feel like I'm missing out on something (which is completely understandable, right? I mean, it HAS been my home for the last two years). Alas, I'll be at my new home soon enough. I can already tell that studying abroad will definitely make me appreciate my life here...well, at least my friends and the people who I love.

Today was pretty average...I catered for Ruby Tuesday today instead of working lunch, ran a few errands in Chambersburg and worked To-Go. Not gonna lie, it was a littleeeeeee creepy running food to the hotel, but luckily Jason and Beth were there to fend off the horny old businessmen, haha. Came home, went to the gym, came home again and made dinner. Now I'm hanging out with Kramer watching reality TV. Hmm, nothing like a disgusting addiction to reality tv, or gossip girls, or 'Tool Academy'...eeks, getting out and traveling would do some good, wouldn't it?

"Playing racquetball has got to be so's like...Tennis's bastard cousin!"

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Don't Say A Word...

Eeeks, I'm starting a new blog. Weird. Blogging was something I did all throughout high school...and, like most things 'high school', it was left my Vans and pink hair. Alas, here I am. Blogging again, because it's fun...and it's very fun to look at old entries from the past. I'm sure one day, when I'm 25 and ready to start a new blog, I'll read this one and laugh at how ridiculous I was. Ahhh nostalgia...

Anyway, this blog is also going to be a way of keeping track of all the AWESOME things I'm going to do while studying in Australia. Needless to say, I am very excited about starting (yet another) new chapter of my life. I think that THATS my favorite part of being in my early twenties...the new-ness of everything. I really feel like every year is so different from the year before because I start new jobs, meet new people, move new places...constant change is a strong variable. I like it. Change is good, refreshing.

So I have about a month to save up money, say goodbye to friends and family (even though it'll be a quick six months) and just prepare myself. And, by preparing myself, I'm really just trying to contain my excitement which is always getting ready to boil over at every second. Come to think, I've never been very good at 'preparing' myself for things...I usually just dive in head first and somehow it all works out in the end. hmm...maybe I'm on to something...

"Holy Dooley! Where's the franger?"
